North Texas Master Naturalist COVID Safety and Response Guidelines
April 7, 2021
Until further notice, the North Texas Master Naturalist Program will operate under the following guidelines for NTMN community and youth education, training, outreach and service projects. The board will continue to monitor conditions and update the guidelines as needed. By participating in any in-person activity with NTMN, you agree to abide by these COVID Safety and Response Guidelines.
Volunteers are encouraged to evaluate their own comfort, risk, health, and safety when considering meetings and volunteer service opportunities. If you are in a vulnerable or ‘high risk’ category or are uncomfortable participating in group events, please continue to consider remote service opportunities where possible.
Virtual meeting platforms should be used whenever possible. For all in-person events, meetings or service projects, volunteers must comply with applicable requirements. Individual service projects may have additional safety considerations. If project sites or local requirements are more restrictive, NTMN volunteers are to follow the more restrictive guidelines.
All In-Person INDOOR Activities:
- Limited to 10 people – Please use your best judgment to achieve a small group.
- Sign-in at the location is required.
- Volunteers and all public participants are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings.
- All are encouraged to maintain 10 feet of social distance for indoor activities.
- The occupancy limit should not exceed 1 person per 100 square feet of indoor public space.
All In-Person OUTDOOR activities:
- Limited to 10 people – Please use your best judgment to achieve a small group.
- Sign-in at the location is required.
- Volunteers and all public participants are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings.
- All are encouraged to maintain 6 feet of social distance for outdoor activities.
General Health and Safety Guidance:
- Remain at home if you’re not feeling well or have a fever.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- If you travel to certain high-risk areas, please self-quarantine for the recommended time.
- Any surfaces that are touched often should be disinfected regularly.
- Tools and equipment should be sanitized regularly and not be shared between households.
- Educational trunks are not available for in-person group activities.
- If you are diagnosed with or exposed to a person with COVID-19, please self-quarantine for at least 10 days. Please notify the project leader if you have recently volunteered.
- By participating in any in-person activity with NTMN, you agree to abide by these COVID Safety and Response Guidelines.
For further information please email