An Urgent Message to the NTMN Community about Coronavirus
As the world wrestles with the sweeping problems coronavirus brings, our hearts are with those affected by this epidemic, now pandemic. For us, as North Texas Master Naturalists, two responsibilities come to mind. First, we want to protect the health of our members and the community we serve. And we seek to support the work of health officials to contain covid-19. We don’t want to be fearful, but rather properly cautious.
We volunteers have a number of service and leadership roles in the community that may be impacted by this virus. Here are specific areas with which we ask your help:
1 – Practice good hygiene
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- On field trips, at events, and in classes, take advantage of the space available to spread out.
- Greetings – consider a wave, nod, etc. A handshake isn’t necessary.
- Vulnerable populations (60+ years old and/or certain health conditions) – don’t go to gatherings of ten or more people.
- Again, if you are sick, stay home and seek medical advice as needed.
These practices truly slow the spread of infection. And, you’ll be modeling good behaviors to the public.
Meetings and Activities Postponed
We are aligning with the Dallas County Emergency Order (see pages 1 and 3) by postponing meetings and classes for its duration, currently through March 20, 2020 and subject to extension. As Judge Clay Jenkins noted, “It is imperative that the public do their part.” By taking strong measures now, we increase the likelihood of not overwhelming our healthcare system. The April chapter meeting and other activities beyond March 20th may also be affected.
The New Class meeting scheduled for March 17th has been postponed, as has the field trip scheduled for March 14th.
New dates will be determined. There are several considerations pending before we decide how to best continue with the remaining class schedule or possibly postpone the remainder of the class to the fall. These include changes to covid-19 approaches, availability of meeting space, and conflicts with busy May-August schedules. The key takeaway here is that we will work with the class to ensure that everyone has a path to being certified.
Volunteer work at group activities is similarly suspended. Many of the activities NTMN participates in may be cancelled; others may involve more than ten in vulnerable groups. Please also look for communication from event organizers. EarthX, for example, a very large gathering that may be impacted, is just over a month away.
This is a rapidly evolving situation. As the numbers of infected people increase and research continues, we expect the guidance we receive to change. We’re tracking the most recent guidance from Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS– our local health official), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and recommend following their lead. And, we may get further direction from our sponsors at AgriLife and Texas Parks and Wildlife.
We will stay in touch via email and post information on the chapter website.
Thank you,
Scott Hudson
North Texas Chapter
Texas Master Naturalist Program
This is why “social distancing” matters. Click here.