Highlights from the July 2021 Summer Social
The Announcements
View the full set of July announcements by clicking here. As more activities open up, more volunteer opportunities are coming into the chapter calendar. Opportunities and contacts, websites, and other details are available in the announcements.
Important COVID-19 return to service update: NTMN face-to-face activities are re-opened! We’re tracking with CDC guidance and continue to encourage wearing masks indoors and social distancing. Details here
Highlights of the meeting
Reunited! It was truly wonderful to see so many of you at this year’s Summer Social. After 16 long months with no in-person meetings, our time together this week held special significance.
During our brief program we honored the Class of 2021. Congratulations to all for completing the course. And congratulations to Katherine Bazan, GiGi Chance, Jasmine Flores, Lauren Patterson, Susan Roberts, Jeff Sargent, and George Sims on your early certifications!
Team members demonstrated their new class projects – on educational trunk videos, work at Kiest Park and at Post Oak Preserve. Thank you for your outstanding work. It will keep serving the chapter and our partners.
Connie Koval led us through sign-up for Affinity Groups. These will provide a fine opportunity to build connections within the chapter. With offerings ranging from native plants to nature art and craft beer to kayaking, there’s something for most everyone. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Please reach out to Connie.
Amy Martin wrapped us up with a remembrance for members of our community who had recently passed away: Marie-Theres Herz, Patricia Gilbert, Lee Kelton, David Rogers, Helen Bush, and Greg Lasley. Honoring them helps ease our loss.
Thanks to our Programming Committee, particularly Sarah Jang, for all your hard work bringing us back together. We were favored with mild weather. Having tasty Steel City Pops helped us stay cool the local, organic way.
Thanks to our guests and members for participating in the Summer Social. I hope all feel welcome at NTMN.
Take care,
Scott Hudson
North Texas Master Naturalist