The Announcements
View the full set of March announcements by clicking here.
Highlights of the meeting
Owls of North Texas and Impact of Rodenticides
Thanks to Erich Rupert and Tracy Cassidy for two fascinating presentations at the March chapter meeting. Undaunted by the rainy drive, 120 master naturalists and guests met to learn about owls in our region and about rodenticides concerns.
With four handsome teaching assistants – an Eastern Screech-Owl, Barred Owl, Great Horned Owl, and Barn Owl – Blackland Prairie Raptor Center Executive Director Erich Rupert walked us through owl ornithology and ecological concerns. Taking turns with each owl, he explained their distinguishing characteristics and ecosystem role, how they came to the raptor center, and how the center increases public awareness on conservation issues. Everyone is invited to their First Saturday events to learn more about these amazing birds.
The fact that rodents comprise a significant portion of owl diets was a strong lead-in to veterinary ER technician Tracy Cassidy’s discussion of rodenticide impacts on our predator populations. Reviewing a number of specific case studies as well as aggregated field data, Tracy showed how wildlife biologists and veterinary pathologists are making the connection between anticoagulant rodenticide use and predator disease/fatalities. We were touched by the eagle, mountain lion, and bobcat images that conveyed this problem. She also shared encouraging success stories where individuals had responded well to treatment, on progress in rodenticide regulation, and useful perspective on integrated pest management.
Special thanks to our AgriLife sponsor, Liz Rudd, for arranging use of the recently remodeled AgriLife Rowlett Road facility, a new venue for NTMN.
- Newly Certified – We’re excited about the latest group to complete their Master Naturalist certification. Please join me in congratulating Grace Barr, Megan Davis, and Amanda Flint of the Fall 2018 Class and to Yui Iwase, Samantha Knight, Pat Link, Susannah Moore, Pam Riddle, and Barry Walters of the 2019 Class!
- Our dues for 2020 are $40 and were due before the start of this year. If yours aren’t in, now is the time. Please pay online using PayPal.
Thank you for all you do for our chapter and our community.
Scott Hudson
North Texas Master Naturalist