Download the May Announcements here:
Highlights from May Announcements
Blame it on the Weather
We were in a prolonged drought not so long ago and despite all the negatives that go along with an environment challenged for moisture one of the positives was that we seldom had to postpone or delay because of rain; it was hot and dry, but we could plan a activity and be assured that we could go outside and do it. This year we have had a number of field trips and work days cancelled or postponed because of rain.
The turnout at the chapter meeting on Wednesday was smaller than usual and the probable cause was the storm that was forecast to move in during the evening. The storm didn’t really arrive until about ten p.m. but the weather experts on the local stations and the app on your smart phone weren’t so precise. They said it would come last night and it would cause flash floods; it did.
So sometimes things work out. For those of you who missed the presentation by Stephanie Varnum on Texas orchids and more specifically on the citizen science project she has led for a number of years, we will have a repeat of the orchid presentation but this time it will include field work – weather permitting, of course. The two hour presentation at Dogwood Canyon is scheduled for Saturday, May 18. Details are below and in the announcements.
Topic of May Presentation: Orchids of Cedar Ridge Preserve
- The chapter meeting presentation in May was about the orchid citizen science project that Stephanie Varnum has conducted for several years with other master naturalists at Cedar Ridge Preserve.
- If you missed the presentation at the May 1 chapter meeting, Stephanie will present an extended version of this orchid program at Dogwood Canyon and Cedar Ridge Preserve on Saturday, May 18.
- You may get 3 volunteer hours if you participate in the morning work day at Dogwood Canyon from 9 a.m. to noon.
- There is lunch provided at noon.
- Stephanie’s program will go from 12:30 to 2:30 and includes field activity at Cedar Ridge Preserve (weather permitting).
- There is a GoFundMe to produce an Orchid Gami of the orchid that is found at Cedar Ridge Preserve.
- Details of the GoFund Me, what an orchid gami actually is, and activities at Dogwood Canyon on May are in announcements.
May Is a Busy Month for NTMN
- The spring Big Chapter Project is this Saturday, May 4, at Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.
- May activities are listed chronologically in the announcements.
- Refer to the calendar for last minute updates.
NTMN Yahoo! Group Email – listserv
- We have adopted Mail Chimp as the email application for NTMN messages. It is more secure and the documents are more flexible.
- We intended to phase out the Yahoo! Group email listserv which we have used since 2004.
- If you don’t believe you are receiving email from the Yahoo! listserv, you may add yourself to the distribution list. This applies mainly to the Fall 2018 class and the Spring 2019 class.
- The instructions about how to subscribe to the NTMN Yahoo! Group listserv are in the announcements.
- If you are already in the NTMN Yahoo! Group, you will get an email telling you that you are on the list.
- If you aren’t currently on the list, you will get an email with instructions to get yourself in there.
- There are also instructions about how to unsubscribe if you want to get less mail sent to you.
- If you are concerned about getting a lot more email, there is an option to bundle the messages together from NTMN and send them to you once a day.
Texas Master Naturalist listserv
- The TMN state office reports about events all around the state by email.
- If you subscribe to their listserv you will get the announcements and not have to wait until they are announced by our chapter.
- If you are concerned about getting a lot more email, there is an option to bundle the messages together and send them to you once a day.
- For instructions about how to subscribe to the TMN listserv are in the announcements.
2019 Dues Were Due January 1
- If you can no longer add hours in VMS, then we don’t have a record of your dues payment for 2019 and your access to enter hours has been removed.
- You may still logon to our website and use the PayPal option to pay your dues.
- You may also send a check to pay your 2019 dues of $30 to our office.
- Details are in the announcements