DFW Airport Sustainability
At the meeting on Wednesday, August 7 our Speaker, Sarah Ziomek, Enterprise Sustainability Programs Manager at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, will provide an overview of the Airport’s sustainability management plan and several of its key programs with a focus on water and biodiversity initiatives.
Waterfall at DFW Airport
Sarah Ziomek is the Enterprise Sustainability Programs Manager at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW Airport) and is responsible for developing DFW’s sustainability strategy for carbon, energy, resilience, waste, biodiversity, and water management. Sarah also leads the Airport’s waste and recycling, environmental grants, and air quality programs. She supports the Airport’s strategic partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as the DFW lead on projects related to energy optimization and renewables integration for buildings and fleets.
Sarah received her B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Science from Texas Christian University. She is a Certified Ecologist and has served in the capacity of environmental scientist and wetland specialist. Her previous experience includes environmental consulting for multiple industries as well as work for the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and the National Park Service. In her free time, Sarah enjoys spending time outdoors playing tennis, cycling, and backpacking.
Zoom Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KNSi1ASYRkSnsXKcUWRgXg
6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
7:00 Introduction and Announcements
7:20 Featured Presentation
8:45 Adjournment
Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 125. Campus map. Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)
Or join us in south Dallas at Dallas College Mountain View Campus, Building S (Administrative offices), Room 1029. (Mountain View Campus map).
Note: It is best to enter the Mountain View campus from Duncanville Road; there is construction but you can park directly in front of the S building. Room 1029 is on the lower level, continue down past the administration areas and turn left once you see a Subway and go down short hallway.
Please bring snacks at 6:30 p.m. to share with others! (at both locations)