2022 Class Schedule with Evaluations and Homework Assignments.
Note that some have two separate homework assignments.
Evaluation links will be updated weekly.
2-1 Introduction to Texas Master Naturalist Program and Ecosystem Concepts (Unit 5) evaluation for Intro to TMN
2-8 VMS Intro & Ecological Regions of Texas (Unit 4) homework evaluation for Eco Regions of TX
2-15 Ecosystem Management (Unit 6) homework; Urban Systems (Unit 21) homework evaluation for Ecosystems and Urban Systems
2-22 Geology of Texas (Unit 7) homework; Effects of Weather and Climate (Unit 8) homework evaluation for Geology and Weather
3-1 Introduction to VMS and Forest Ecology & Management (Unit 17) homework evaluation for Intro to VMS and Forest Ecology
3-8 Prairie Ecology & Management (Unit 20) homework evaluation for Prairie Ecology
3-15 Herpetology (Unit 15) homework evaluation for K.C. Rudy, Herpetology
3-22 Introduction to Taxonomy (Unit 10) homework; Mammalogy (Unit 16) homework evaluation for Taxonomy and Mammalogy
3-29 VMS Review & Aquatic Ecology (Unit 18) homework and Ichthyology (Unit 14) homework evaluation for VMS Review, Aquatics and Ichthyology
4-5 Entomology (Unit 13) homework evaluation for Entomology
4-12 Ornithology (Unit 12) homework evaluation for Ornithology
4-19 Botany (Unit 11) homework evaluation for Botany
4-26 Laws, Ethics, & Regulations (Unit 22) homework and Citizen Science (Unit 24) homework evaluation for Laws, Ethics and Citizen Science