February 1, 2023 Chapter Meeting:
Spiders on the Prairie – ONLINE ONLY
On Wednesday, February 1st, Meghan Cassidy will provide a foundation of basic info about spiders and other arachnids, including harvestmen, scorpions, ticks, and a few others – most of whom are misunderstood, and almost all often feared. The presentation will include basic taxonomy, ecology, natural history, and common families. Meghan will discuss specific spider species found in Texas that you may come across while out exploring local parks, or in your own backyard! In addition, she will offer some strategies for identifying spiders. Meghan has many detailed spider photos to show, and she will provide some tips for using iNaturalist as a learning resource for spiders.
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Izru0BVfRQWxcXvhAdbm9g
- 7:00 Introduction and Announcements
- 7:20 Featured Presentation
- 8:45 Adjournment
Or participate via Zoom — register here.
Our Speaker
Meghan Cassidy is a data analyst by day, and a naturalist, photographer, and a strong advocate of everything in class Arachnida by night. She can often be found in Texas parks taking macro photography of small critters such as spiders and insects, or hosting nighttime spider walks. Some of her photos have been published in journals and books, such as an upcoming publication from Texas A&M Press titled “Mindful of Texas Nature” – a project with author & herpetologist Michael Smith. Some of you may also know her as “wildcarrot” on iNaturalist, and chances are she’s identified your spiders!