Go Outside

What Kind of Naturalist Are You?


The Naturalist-In-Training

Fascinated with all things outdoors? How could you possibly choose?
You don’t need to pick a topic to be a student of nature. What will it be today? A walk through the woods, a painted prairie in full bloom, a bird’s flight through binoculars, or a fossil from an ancient ocean? With so much to discover, there’s no time to waste. Nature calls!

The Outdoor Adventurer

Bring on the unpaved trails, rushing water, and rocky slopes! Obstacles are a welcome challenge for the Outdoor Adventurer. An adrenaline seeker, you love all things active that test your skills. Mountain bikes, hiking boots, kayaks, and more, outdoor adventure is the best kind of fun.

The Birder

From cranes to songbirds and everything else in between, the Birder has eyes fixed on the sky. When bird calls get stuck in your head instead of the latest hit single and you can read flight patterns better than social cues, you might just fit this character.

The Botanist

Fascinated with all things plants? Why look up when you can look down? There is so much to discover when the grasses, the trees, and the flowers all have a story to tell. From the prairies to the woods and beyond, the botanical world is full of wonder and complexity just waiting for you to take notice.

The Entomologist

Iridiscent beetles, flittering fritillaries, a flash of dragonfly wings–for the Entomologist, excitement comes from your next big little discovery! When bug nets and headlamps become your favorite fashion accessories and your Friday night lights involve a white sheet and moths, this whole kingdom of life in miniature may be your calling.

The Forester

Called to the woods, the Forester is in awe of the gentle giants of the plant world. A welcome environment for all, trees provide shade and shelter for many kinds of life. Find something new around every bend each time you walk down a winding wooded trail.

The Geologist

The history of the distant past is written in the land. Landscapes, rocks, and fossils tell a vivid story of ancient oceans, lands, and life. Uncover your Geologist and hold in your hands a moment in the deep time of natural history.

The Wetlander

Are your daydreams filled with the warm feeling of sunlight on your skin, birds chattering overhead, and sparkling water? Caught in the currents and swept along like the shimmering fish and underwater plants, you simply can’t resist. For this character, a rushing river, the salty coastline, or a sunrise over the wetland never fail to amaze.

The Wildlife Biologist

Channeling your inner “Crocodile Hunter,” reptiles, birds, and critters have never intimidated you. Through the woods, under the logs, into the water, discovery awaits! When animals are easier to understand than people, and you follow more muddy tracks than Instagram pages, you might just be a Wildlife Biologist.


22 Dallas-Area Parks for the Naturalist in You

Explore the What Kind of Naturalist Are You? Interactive Map.



Feature for the Naturalist

200 acres of Blackland Prairie. Upland riparian forest ecoregions with creeks. Nine miles of paved, dirt, and DORBA trails, some with interpretive signage. Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Site. Partner in American Kestrel Partnership. Monarch migration stopover. Parking lot biofilter for rain runoff.
100+ acres of upland forest on limestone hills. Highly rated for off-road biking—features one of the most difficult DORBA trails in DFW. Blue Trail—6 mile beginner, more family friendly, bypasses difficult terrain. Red Trail—12-mile intermediate/advanced, hills, rocky descents, creek crossings.

400+ acres. East of Rowlett Creek: Home to Texas champion Box Elder. Deep woods on south end. West of Rowlett Creek: Limestone outcroppings and plentiful fossils in Beck’s Branch. A wildflower meadow with loop trail supports a vigorous Eastern Bluebird population.

1200+ acres of rugged limestone hills with pockets of Blackland Prairie along 7,500-acre Joe Pool Lake. Off-road biking/hiking loop maintained by DORBA, with some interpretive signage. Home to over 200 bird species, including the endangered Black-Capped Vireo. Overnight camping, swimming, fishing.
Nearly 10 miles of well-maintained, rugged trails explore 600+ acres of steep limestone hills and soaring 755-feet escarpments with epic views. Lush valleys, riparian corridors, and ponds. Blackland prairie restorations. Butterfly garden. Site of native Texas orchids. Great spot for birders.
A few miles of gentle trails through 66 acres of Eastern Cross Timbers, Blackland Prairie, and riparian Cottonwood Creek corridor. Natural springs that flow north (a rarity) are found along the creek. Butterfly garden. Center offers naturalist training for children and guided nature walks.
Three hiking trails of varying difficulty trace the canyon floor up to the hill tops—one trail with a view all the way to Arlington! Dogwood grove flowers in spring. Superb bird watching. Rich in native plant species and pollinators. Excellent visitor center with talks and events for all ages.
Quiet, deeply wooded preserve along Trinity’s Elm Fork with 14-acre pond, wetlands, and wildflower meadows. Loop walking path through the woods and along the pond.
Nearly 315-acre park with wetlands and Lemmon Lake, plentiful migrating waterfowl, year-round shorebirds. Paved lakeshore trail part of extensive Great Trinity Forest system that leads to Trinity River Audubon Center.
Wetlands purify wastewater and provide habitat for waterfowl and wildlife. Home to nesting pair of bald eagles. Sightings of over 260 varieties of birds. Fantastic views of the wetlands from the one-mile boardwalk and a trail to the Trinity River. Water education center. Monthly public days.
1100+ acres where Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers meet. Bobcats, wild turkeys, river otter, beaver, wide variety of reptiles/amphibians. Wading and woodland birds and the iconic dickcissel in its prairie habitat. Two blinds for wetland wildlife viewing. 10+ miles of trails, including boardwalks and paddling trails. Pollinators, damselflies, dragonflies, and beetles galore! Guided walks/workshops.
1100+ acres where Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers meet. Bobcats, wild turkeys, river otter, beaver, wide variety of reptiles/amphibians. Wading and woodland birds and the iconic dickcissel in its prairie habitat. Two blinds for wetland wildlife viewing. 10+ miles of trails, including boardwalks and paddling trails. Pollinators, damselflies, dragonflies, and beetles galore! Guided walks/workshops.

1100+ acres where Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers meet. Bobcats, wild turkeys, river otter, beaver, wide variety of reptiles/amphibians. Wading and woodland birds and the iconic dickcissel in its prairie habitat. Two blinds for wetland wildlife viewing. 10+ miles of trails, including boardwalks and paddling trails. Pollinators, damselflies, dragonflies, and beetles galore! Guided walks/workshops.

800-acre park along Rowlett Creek with 13 miles of concrete and soft surface trails through Blackland Prairie, woods, wetlands. Zip line. Equestrian area.
Nearly 100 acres of riparian hardwood forest along channelized creek. Four miles of flat naturalist trails with bird blinds. 15+ miles of DORBA trails. Wildlife tracks in bottomland mud. Pollinator garden.
About 200 acres of old-growth bottomland hardwood forest with some of the oldest (up to 150 years), tallest (100+ feet tall), and widest (trunks 4 feet wide) trees in the county. Paved/soft-surface trails.
Over 100 deeply wooded acres along limestone creek. Several miles of paved trails with picnic areas. Trail links to Galatyn Woodland Preserve.
130 acres reclaimed from an illegal dump. Four miles of hiking trails and boardwalks with bird blinds through wetlands, riparian forest, and Blackland Prairie. Bottomland trail with river access. Pollinator garden. Excellent visitor center. Classes and events for all ages. Perfect place for new naturalists!
Paved 5-mile trail atop levees along channelized section of Trinity River with views of downtown Dallas. Dirt trails in river bottom. Waterfowl, birds of prey, and wading birds when river is up. Ronald Kirk Bridge for bicyclists/pedestrians. Connects to extensive trails going south and north.

Wonderful getaway in heart of Oak Cliff. Gentle 5+ acres on former apartment site. Trails through woods and Blackland Prairie recreation. Pollinator garden. Outdoor classroom for elementary students.

Beloved 1254-acre lake with 10 miles of paved trails. Great birdwatching at northern end, Sunset Bay, and below spillway. Brown pelicans and other waterfowl migrators overwinter. Look for twiggy nests of monk parakeet colony at electrical substation and nearby towers off White Rock Rd. Naturalist museum at Bath House Cultural Center. 250+ acres of Blackland Prairie. Sailboating, canoeing, kayaking.


Posts by Catogory


Trinity River Audubon Center || Sunday Morning Bird Walk (AT) Sunday, January 26, 2025  |  9am – 10am  CT Description:  Join us for a Sunday...
January 26, 2025    
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  Sunday, January 26, 2025  1:30 - 4:30pm Address: 2725 N. Jim Miller Rd. Dallas, Texas 75217; A few blocks south of Scyene in the parking...
John Bunker Sands Wetland Center || 1st Saturday Walk & Talk Bird Tour (AT) Saturday, Feb 1, 2025  ||  7:30am – 9:30am Description:  Join us...
TMN-Elm Fork Chapter || Early Bird Watch & Walk at Furneaux Creek (AT) Saturday, February 1, 2025  ||  9:00 AM – 11:00 AM  CT Description:...
Heard Museum || 1st Saturday Guided Trails  (AT) Saturday, February 1, 2025  ||  9:30am – 10:30am CT Discription: Experience the ecology, geology, flora and fauna...
February 1, 2025    
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join Dallas municipal leaders at this community event to keep City of Dallas parks and creeks clean. Bring comfortable clothes and shoes. Dress for cold...
Chapter Meeting / Winter Awards Banquet / POT LUCK Please RSVP HERE Please SIGN UP for POTLUCK & HELP HERE Location:  Water Building at the...
February 3, 2025    
7:23 pm - 8:23 pm
Board Meetings are open to all members and to the public. Please contact the Vice President at vicepresident@ntmn.org for meeting details if you want to...
TMN-Elm Fork Chapter || 2nd Saturday Trail Walk at Furneaux Creek (AT) Saturday, February 8, 2025  ||  8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Description: Fun for...
Heard Museum || 2nd Saturday Bird Walk (AT) Saturday, February 8, 2025 ||  8am – 9:30am CT Description: 2nd Saturday Bird Walks are intended to...
Trinity River Audubon Center || Second Saturday Guided Hike (AT) Saturday, February 08, 2025  |  8:30am-10:00am   CT Description: Join us for a guided hike led...
Trinity River Audubon Center || Morning Bird Walk (AT) Saturday, February 15, 2025  |  7:30am – 9:00am  CT Description:  Join us for a monthly bird walk...
Project site name changed to Prairie Creek Marsh and Wildscape (formerly Canyon Creek) Monthly workday 1001 G. Bush Freeway ( Hilton Garden Inn) Every third...
John Bunker Sands Wetland Center || 3rd Saturday Guided Boardwalk Tour (AT) Saturday, February 15, 2025 ||  9:00 AM – 10:30 AM    CT Description:  As...
Heard Museum || 3rd Thursday Bird Walk (AT) Thursday, February 20, 2025  |  8am – 9:30am CT Description: 3rd Thursday Bird Walks in the Heard...
Trinity River Audubon Center || Sunday Morning Bird Walk (AT) Sunday, February 23, 2025  |  9am – 10am  CT Description:  Join us for a Sunday...
  John Bunker Sands Wetland Center || 1st Saturday Walk & Talk Bird Tour (AT) Saturday, March 1, 2025  ||  7:30am – 9:30am Description:  Join...
TMN-Elm Fork Chapter || Early Bird Watch & Walk at Furneaux Creek (AT) Saturday, March 1, 2025   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Description: Join Randy...
Events on January 26, 2025
Events on February 2, 2025
Events on February 3, 2025
Events on February 20, 2025
Events on February 23, 2025