What Kind of Naturalist Are You?
The Naturalist-In-Training | Fascinated with all things outdoors? How could you possibly choose? You don’t need to pick a topic to be a student of nature. What will it be today? A walk through the woods, a painted prairie in full bloom, a bird’s flight through binoculars, or a fossil from an ancient ocean? With so much to discover, there’s no time to waste. Nature calls! |
The Outdoor Adventurer | Bring on the unpaved trails, rushing water, and rocky slopes! Obstacles are a welcome challenge for the Outdoor Adventurer. An adrenaline seeker, you love all things active that test your skills. Mountain bikes, hiking boots, kayaks, and more, outdoor adventure is the best kind of fun. |
The Birder | From cranes to songbirds and everything else in between, the Birder has eyes fixed on the sky. When bird calls get stuck in your head instead of the latest hit single and you can read flight patterns better than social cues, you might just fit this character. |
The Botanist | Fascinated with all things plants? Why look up when you can look down? There is so much to discover when the grasses, the trees, and the flowers all have a story to tell. From the prairies to the woods and beyond, the botanical world is full of wonder and complexity just waiting for you to take notice. |
The Entomologist | Iridiscent beetles, flittering fritillaries, a flash of dragonfly wings–for the Entomologist, excitement comes from your next big little discovery! When bug nets and headlamps become your favorite fashion accessories and your Friday night lights involve a white sheet and moths, this whole kingdom of life in miniature may be your calling. |
The Forester | Called to the woods, the Forester is in awe of the gentle giants of the plant world. A welcome environment for all, trees provide shade and shelter for many kinds of life. Find something new around every bend each time you walk down a winding wooded trail. |
The Geologist | The history of the distant past is written in the land. Landscapes, rocks, and fossils tell a vivid story of ancient oceans, lands, and life. Uncover your Geologist and hold in your hands a moment in the deep time of natural history. |
The Wetlander | Are your daydreams filled with the warm feeling of sunlight on your skin, birds chattering overhead, and sparkling water? Caught in the currents and swept along like the shimmering fish and underwater plants, you simply can’t resist. For this character, a rushing river, the salty coastline, or a sunrise over the wetland never fail to amaze. |
The Wildlife Biologist | Channeling your inner “Crocodile Hunter,” reptiles, birds, and critters have never intimidated you. Through the woods, under the logs, into the water, discovery awaits! When animals are easier to understand than people, and you follow more muddy tracks than Instagram pages, you might just be a Wildlife Biologist. |
22 Dallas-Area Parks for the Naturalist in You
Explore the What Kind of Naturalist Are You? Interactive Map.
Feature for the Naturalist
400+ acres. East of Rowlett Creek: Home to Texas champion Box Elder. Deep woods on south end. West of Rowlett Creek: Limestone outcroppings and plentiful fossils in Beck’s Branch. A wildflower meadow with loop trail supports a vigorous Eastern Bluebird population.
1100+ acres where Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers meet. Bobcats, wild turkeys, river otter, beaver, wide variety of reptiles/amphibians. Wading and woodland birds and the iconic dickcissel in its prairie habitat. Two blinds for wetland wildlife viewing. 10+ miles of trails, including boardwalks and paddling trails. Pollinators, damselflies, dragonflies, and beetles galore! Guided walks/workshops.
Wonderful getaway in heart of Oak Cliff. Gentle 5+ acres on former apartment site. Trails through woods and Blackland Prairie recreation. Pollinator garden. Outdoor classroom for elementary students.