First, complete the new project request form, “New Volunteer Service Activity Information” (use either the MS Word or html version). The form must be completed by an active member of the NTMN chapter who will serve as the project leader and contact person for the chapter. (The project leader develops the scope of the project, interfaces with the clients of the project, plans and announces events, recruits and thanks volunteers, keeps everyone informed, maintains records, writes articles/emails to promote the project.)
Then, submit the project request via email to the Volunteer Project Approval Committee in care of the Volunteer Service Officer at ac********@nt**.org. The Volunteer Project Approval Committee will study the request and decide by consensus whether it should be approved. The committee may ask you to give additional information or clarify certain points as they study your application.
Criteria used to evaluate a project include:
-The project is representative of the goals, practices, and teaching of the Texas Master Naturalist program.
-The project addresses a need for meaningful service.
-The project is likely to have a positive impact and value to the community.
-The project is within the chapter’s service area and scope of training.
You will be notified of the committee’s decision.
Appendix-G-1-New-Volunteer-Service-Activity-Form- – requires MS Word