DNA and Conservation Biology
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is an amazing molecule that transfers genetic information through generations, and resides in every single cell of our body. However, the history and connections between the laboratory and natural world are not commonly understood. Join us as NTMN member Caleb Hinojos presents a unique perspective of DNA in the laboratory and how it helps to bridge the gaps between classical, modern, and conservation biology.
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qmp7khlnQa2Oz4ZwkjFAPw
- 6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
- 7:00 Introduction and Announcements
- 7:20 Featured Presentation
- 8:45 Adjournment
Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 126. Note, this is not our usual room. This is the one next door. Campus map. Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)
Speaker Bio
Caleb Hinojos was born and raised in the DFW metroplex. His love of wildlife began at the age of 3 with reptiles. Influenced by the great Steve Irwin and Sir David Attenborough, he knew that he wanted to pursue this passion. After completing an enlistment in the Marine Corps, he returned to the area and began his collegiate education. He received his BS and MS from the University of Texas at Arlington with a focus on genetic and genomic evolution.
Through the years, Caleb has worked a variety of scientific jobs both in the field and in the lab which has given him a unique perspective regarding the natural world. These experiences led him to become a Master Naturalist.