Guides provide tours of the Native Texas Park, educating visitors about reclaiming the Blackland Prairie Habitat, the importance of using native and adapted plants, hydrology/conservation of water, invasive species, birds, and insects, and specific seasonal emphasis.
2023 Activities – 10 volunteers with 186 hours of service performed
- 9 MN from 3 MN Chapters have completed Park training and received Bush Center volunteer badges allowing access to the parking lot and volunteer lounge.
- 17 free public Saturday educational park tours
- 5 Garden Club and Special Interest group tours
- 5 tours for Bush Center Staff, Veteran Leadership Program Scholars, Presidential Leadership Scholars, Texan by Nature Summit, and Docents
- 4 Special requests from SMU Faculty for Summer Camp Tours and Engineering Classes and 1 Special request tour for SMU law students
- Coordinated with Bush Center staff to develop educational information and scheduled presentations off site.
- Coordinated with Landscape team, on maintenance priorities and new plantings for the park.
- Highlights:
- Robert Favela, Bush Center’s Director of Facility Operation, MN class of 2023.
- George W. Bush Institute Programming and Events
- MN attend the Annual Texan by Nature Conservation Summit to answer questions about the NTP.
- Conduct educational tours for attendees of the annual ST-VLP (Stand To-Veteran Leadership) and the Presidential Leadership Scholar(PLS) events hosted at the Bush Center
- Provide an information table at a children’s book signing event. Used the MN Prairie trunk with over 1000 guests in attendance.
- Through the relationship with NTMN, the Bush NTP is helping with NPSOT’s NLCP classes.