Based on the success of the Warren Ferris Cemetery restoration project, the Constellation of Living Memorials Pilot Program was developed to expand greenspaces, repair pollinator populations, enhance climate resiliency, lower heat island index, teach about the natural environment, build awareness, and grow communities through accessibility to nature. The scope of the project includes 8 cemeteries in Dallas: Beeman, Carver, Ferris, Glover, Oakland, Oak Cliff, Persimmon Rd, and Western Heights cemeteries. Activities will include:
- Field Research: Sites will need bio-surveys for flora and fauna identification and determination of plant density, using iNaturalist and collaborating with AgriLife on data collection techniques to upload into the Texas A&M research portal for analysis.
- Public Outreach: Neighborhood/community events, where volunteers lead groups of all ages on tours of the wildlife habitats, providing hands-on experiences and education.
- Educational Talk: We have begun an educational partnership with the Alex Sanger Prep school across the street from the Warren Ferris Cemetery Wildlife Habitat and master naturalists are providing educational experiences for the children, parents, and teachers.
- Wildscape Maintenance: creating and maintenance of wildscapes and interpretive areas
- Natural Resource Management: development of a restoration plan, including identification of native plants to be reintroduced for biodiversity enhancement, invasive removal, and a two-year planting/seeding schedule.
2023 Activities – 7 volunteers with 132 hours of service performed
The woodland restoration of the historic Warren Ferris Cemetery is now the case study for the Constellation of Living Memorials, and has enlisting eight other Dallas historic cemeteries in underserved communities for native land restoration. The goal of the Constellation of Living Memorials Pilot Program is to provide further proof of concept, reconnecting everyone to authentic sense of place through accessibility to their local cultural and natural history, past and present.
Texas A&M Agrilife is graciously supporting the CLM in the organization and publication of data generated by the CLM citizen scientist volunteers via the North Texas Master Naturalist Project 2024 and Dallas Master Gardeners.
●Train CLM volunteer citizen scientists
●Create a portal for the collection of flora and fauna data
●Conduct statistical analysis of the data over two years
●Provide and Publish a final report
The Constellation of Living Memorials Project has received $30k from the Texas Historical Foundation for the matching grant component of our program, $30K grant from the Summerlee Foundation for the Cultural Archeological component, and a personal donation of $7,500 from Garrett Boone, the first Green Czar named by Mayor Eric Johnson.
In the last year, we’ve created partnerships to include An integrated vision based on access to statewide partners and local resources:
◇Preservation Dept- City of Dallas
◇Ordinance Dept – City of Dallas
◇Texas Master Naturalist Program through Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – 49 chapters strong
◇Native Plant Society of Texas – 32 chapters strong
◇Preservation Dallas
◇Texas A & M Agrilife
◇Texan by Nature
◇Summerlee Foundation
◇Texas Society of Professional Surveyors, Dallas Chapter 5
◇Texas Historical Foundation
◇Remembering Black Dallas