A collection of voucher specimens of plants found in Dallas County to be used for educational purposes. Plants include grasses, native and non-native wildflowers, and signature species such as Texas buckeye, trout lily, and Hexalectris orchid.
Volunteers will collect, press, preserve, mount and store plants. Other tasks include photography and photo publishing, preparing outreach displays, maintaining a database. Volunteers will receive training from the Botanical Research Institute of Texas and individual trainers.
2023 Activities – 10 volunteers with 128 hours of service performed
- Field workdays for the collection and pressing of new specimens.
- Created and conducted a training course on how to identify specimens using the Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas and had hands on training on how to mount specimens.
- Workdays to do plant identification, mounting and filing of the collected specimens.
- Finished creating a Herbarium trunk which included specimens, outreach materials, children’s activities, and teaching tools.
- Participated in Native Plants and Prairies Day and other outreach events.
View the lists of the specimens in the permanent collection here.
2024-05-20_PERM by Common Name
2024-05-20_PERM by Scientific Name
2024-05-20_PERM by Family Name
View the list of the specimens in the educational collection here.
2024-05-20_EDUC by Scientific Name
2024-05-20_EDUC by Common Name
To view or use any of the specimens, please contact Pam Carranza at he*******@nt**.org.