Announcements from the June General Meeting

Announcements for the June Meeting
The announcements given during the June meeting were only a fraction of the complete list that are linked below.

Summer Events Are Highlighted

  • The prairie tour of north east Texas sites sponsored by NPAT is scheduled for June 16. There is more information about this event below.
  • The monthly Dallas Lepidopterist’s Society meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, June 9, at John Wilts property in Ellis County. It will be led by Dale Clark and should provide a variety of butterflies in the prairie, meadow, and wooded bottomland on John’s property. See the announcement for details and a map. Two hours of AT are available.
  • One of the projects from the class of 2018 is having an open house at Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Sunday, June 10, from 2 to 4. You may get up to two hours of AT for attending. Details are in the announcements. Rogers has only become an NTMN project in the last year and we already have 350 volunteer hours there. I think you will be impressed by the rehab center and the project. Please RSVP if you are planning to come.
  • We have scheduled events at Dallas Public Libraries throughout the city in July and August which typically involve one of our Nature Discovery Trunks. The time and audience varies from one library to the next. Check the schedule in the announcements for the details for each library.
    There is an updated calendar with meeting dates (still the first Wednesday) and places through September. We are still challenged to find rooms large enough for the meeting that will allow live specimens like snakes and insects. When possible we are scheduling chapter meetings in north Dallas county.Download the announcements for June  

2018 NTMN Summer Social – Celebrating our 20th Year!

On July 11, 2018 please join us at the Texas Discovery Gardens for our annual summer social. Our theme this year is an old fashion picnic complete with a homemade ice cream contest!

We encourage you to bring picnic foods to share with everyone. We’ll have many different activities related to the chapter history and nature walks around the gardens.

Homemade Ice Cream Contest
If you are a creative ice cream maker this is for you! Please bring your best homemade ice cream for everyone to taste and we’ll award a prize for the best Vanilla, Fruit Flavor, and Fusion Ice Cream.

Volunteers Needed
If you would like to volunteer to help plan and coordinate the event and activities please contact Mark Kennedy at pr******@nt**.org or 214-799-2185.

Opportunities are:
Table Decorations
Activities Coordination
Food Coordination
Setup & Teardown
Please use the VolunteerSignup for this event to tell us if you are bringing homemade ice cream or if you would like to help setup or tear down for the event.


Mark Kennedy
On Earth, as it is in T E X A S!

NPAT Prairie Tour

Third Annual Texas Prairies and More Tour

The Native Plant Association of Texas (NPAT) Blackland (Dallas) Chapter’s 3rd annual bus tour of NE Texas is June 16. As of our NTMN meeting on Wednesday there were only six remaining seats available.

Register to take a ride on the tour of North East Texas prairies. This is similar to the route taken on the first tour in 2016 (last years’ tour was of central Texas sites). Everyone who has talked about their experience on the tour was impressed by the prairies and the access that they had of sites that are usually closed to the public. You may have seen the photos that Stalin took in 2016.

Schedule for the day:
Depart 7:30am from Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas.
The landowners will be our ‘guides’.
Morning tours include 2 prairies near Terrell and Sulphur Bluff.
Following lunch we’ll tour an historic forest near Clarksville.
Our final tour will be of Daphne Prairie near Mt. Vernon, TX.
Dinner will be in Mt. Vernon, TX.
Estimated time of return to Bath House in Dallas is 9:45pm.
$80/NPAT member and $90/Non-NPAT member (Individuals can pay online via PayPal when they register, or if they prefer, they can pay by cash or check before boarding the bus.)
Lunch:$10/person (self-pay) CASH ONLY Please. (Select from lunch options when you register)
Dinner: Tour participants will be dinner guests of the Franklin County Historical Association of the B.F. Hicks Church Inn, 501 S. Kaufman Street, Mt. Vernon, TX.
Details of the tour are on this page (all your questions are answered):

Link to registration form:

Download John’s Speaker’s Notes from Presentation at June Chapter Meeting
You may download John’s presentation for the chapter meeting on Wednesday. While you may know John as an entomologist, the presentation is about important plants that herbivorous insects are dependent on.

Many of the plants are illustrated in color so the file is very large – too large to send to you through email. So we have put the file on a Google Drive in the cloud. You may view the file on your computer (it might work on your smartphone) and print it on your color printer.

We will have a few black and white copies available at the meeting on Wednesday, but you may appreciate the color illustrations that you can view in the downloaded version.

File Details
The file is 28 page scanned file in six sections:
1. Top Plant Families for Entomologists (3 pages)
2. Glossary of plant characteristics – with color illustrations (11 pages)
3. Useful Websites for Plant IDs (2 pages)
4. Host Plant/Insect Associations (4 pages)
5. Insect/Host Plant Associations (5 pages)
6. Anthophilous Associations (1 page)

Click here to download John’s presentation.

What to do when you get to the Google Drive files:
The file we are working with is SCAN0002.PDF
Select the file by clicking with the left mouse button.
With the file selected, press the right mouse button to reveal what you may do with the file.
To look at the file without downloading it choose Preview.
Choose Download to bring the file to your computer.
Once you have downloaded the file, you may view, save it on your computer, or print it.


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