Highlights from November Chapter Meeting
The Announcements
View the full set of November announcements by clicking here.
Highlights of the meeting
Emerald Ash Borer
Dr. Mike Merchant, the AgriLife Entomologist, gave a thorough presentation of the current status of the Emerald Ash Borer in North Texas. The first observation of the Emerald Ash Borer in North Texas was originally found in Tarrant County by two Sams and posted on iNaturalist.
The presentation that we saw last night is here. It is too large to download from our site, so you are looking at it on the Texas Master Naturalist site where the presentations from the TMN Annual Conference are available for download.
View the links to all the presentations that have been placed on the TMN Annual Conference page.
Nature’s helpers
An article in the Dallas Morning News Outdoor Page (in the Sport Section) in the Sunday, November 3 edition about Ben Sandifer and the North Texas Master Naturalist is one that you will find interesting. According to the headline of the article, we are now Nature’s helpers.
It is difficult to link to an article in the Dallas Morning News, particularly after the publication date, so it is here for your viewing pleasure.
The Important Announcements That You Didn’t Hear
- We need some ideas for projects for the spring class. These projects give the new class a chance to work with a group of classmates and get to know one another. The projects also give our partner organizations a chance to get some focused volunteer help on something that would enhance their facility. The Benny J. Simpson EcoPark that we saw at the Water University is an example of how student master naturalists worked with AgriLife to develop signs for the self-guided trial. Send an email to David Parrish with your project ideas.
- Registration for the 2020 class started October 1 and runs through the end of November. Our publicity for the new class has evolved as we now have social media and our website to promote the class. Laura Kimberly, former new class director, did a survey to find out how people found our class and by far the largest number checked us out because of a recommendation from somebody familiar with the North Texas Master Naturalists. Complete information about what we do and how to register for the class are on our public website. The open house for the new class will be at the Water University building on Tuesday, October 22. There are more details in the announcements on the new class.
- Our dues for 2020 will be $40 and is due before the end of this year. Please pay online using PayPal.
- Please enter your hours by November 15 to have them included when we determine the milestones for 2019 for the Awards Banquet on December 11.
Details about these activities are in the announcements.
New Name Badge Introduced
Members may order a replacement or duplicate NTMN name badge. Your order will be added to the bulk order that we are placing for new members (newly certified members badges are automatically ordered).
- The replacement name badges will be available at the Awards Banquet in December or from Susan Walters, Membership Director, at any meeting thereafter.
- Place order before November 25, 2019.
- There is an order form on the NTMN home page.
- We have changed the name tag so that the name is easier to read. The name tag is also larger and more durable. See the photo below for badge design. Ordering instructions are in the announcements.
Cost for the new badge
- Badge with the magnet attachment = $11
- Badge with pin attachment = $9
Go to the announcement about the new name badge for more information about the badge.
Thank you for your participation,
Bruce Stewart
North Texas Master Naturalist