Take My Breath Away: Air Quality and the Environment
Ozone, cement batch plants, and Shingle Mountain are all headline topics about air quality in Dallas. The quality of air that we breathe and, consequently, our health depends on the neighborhoods where we live, especially for children. Exposure to particulate matter in polluted air can contribute to lung and heart disease. A national leader in urban asthma research, Dr. Barry Lachman, will discuss how research results and community involvement can impact policy to improve health disparities in Dallas.
Dr. Lachman is a nationally recognized leader in healthcare for the underserved. He has over 50 years of experience providing care, program development administration, and advocacy for underserved populations, including 19 years as Medical Director of Parkland Community Health Plan. He is nationally recognized for his leadership in managing asthma and preterm birth prevention. His present work focuses on social determinants, the environment, and equity. He currently serves as a member of the Dallas Environmental Commission, representing City Council District 12
Zoom Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_55fPOwojQ2qNmWCZ1qTscQ
6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
7:00 Introduction and Announcements
7:20 Featured Presentation
8:45 Adjournment
Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 125. Campus map. Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)
Or join us in south Dallas at Dallas College Mountain View Campus, Building S (Administrative offices), Room 1029. (Mountain View Campus map).
Note: It is best to enter the Mountain View campus from Duncanville Road; there is construction but you can park directly in front of the S building. Room 1029 is on the lower level, continue down past the administration areas and turn left once you see a Subway and go down short hallway.
Please bring snacks at 6:30 p.m. to share with others! (at both locations)