January 4, 2023 Chapter Meeting:
Feed your Competitive spirit with Birding as a team sport!
On Wednesday, January 4th, join us as we hear from Shelly Plante, Nature Tourism Manager for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, to learn more about the Great Texas Birding Classic and Texas Pollinator BioBlitz. Texas Master Naturalists have been great participants in both of these events over the years, so come learn how you can take part in the fun, too!
The 27th Annual Birding Classic is this spring and there is still plenty of time to get your team together and participate. Last year, three TMN chapters even won project funding through the event, so it can be a great win-win for your chapter!
While not a competition in the traditional sense, the annual fall Texas Pollinator BioBlitz gives you another chance to participate in finding and iNatting data on some of our favorite critters: pollinators! This event takes place through iNaturalist, daily challenges, weekly emails, a Facebook event, plus local events, so there are plenty of ways to take part. Choose your own adventure!
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vUG7i_MrQdq2K3bmBHvJEw
- 6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
- 7:00 Introduction and Announcements
- 7:20 Featured Presentation
- 8:45 Adjournment
Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 125. Campus map, Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)
Our Speaker
Shelly Plante is the Nature Tourism Manager for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, working in the Outreach and Education Program. She believes community-based conservation, education and partnerships are critical to the future of our natural resources and has worked throughout Texas to connect people to conservation through birding, paddling, and other forms of outdoor recreation. Shelly manages the Great Texas Wildlife Trail program and has been a coordinator for the annual Great Texas Birding Classic for more than 20 years.
Camera Roll:
As usual, show up or tune in between 6:30 and 7 pm for an array of photos by TMNs. Send your favorite photos to the Camera Roll.