November 2, 2022 Chapter Meeting
Nature at Night
On Wednesday, November 2nd, our speakers Sam Kieschnick, Rachel Richter, Michael Smith, and Jake Poinsett will explore how nocturnal wildlife species are adapted to nocturnal living and what the impact of light (or noise) pollution has on them. These initial inquiries will spark an extended discussion and Q&A session.
Zoom Link:
- 6:30 Camera Roll and Socializing
- 7:00 Introduction and Announcements
- 7:20 Featured Presentation
- 8:45 Adjournment
Join us at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus, Building H, Room 126. Campus map, Or participate via Zoom — register here. (If you are attending in person, you don’t need to register for Zoom.)
Nature at Night Field Trip:
On Saturday, November 5th, we will have a night hike/exploration with Sam at Harry Moss Park in Dallas. We hope to find lots of nocturnal critters. Detailed information about this gathering will be discussed at the chapter meeting.
Our Speakers
Sam Kieschnick is an Urban Wildlife Biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, serving the east side of the DFW metroplex. Sam holds a Master’s Degree from Tarleton State University and has previously worked as a nature educator for the City of Mansfield, a naturalist at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, a science interpreter with the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, a biologist with BRIT, and as an instructor at Weatherford College.
Rachel Richter is an Urban Wildlife Biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife in DFW. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M and a Master’s Degree in Wildlife Ecology from Texas State University. As an Urban Wildlife Biologist, she focuses on making our communities more wildlife friendly through educational outreach and providing technical guidance.
Michael Smith is a licensed Psychological Associate who has always had a strong interest in nature and has interests in ecotherapy and mindfulness in nature. He has some museum and zoo experience and authored two books on reptiles and amphibians. He teaches herpetology to Master Naturalists and maintains a blog and website at
Jake Poinsett is the Program Manager for the Trinity River Audubon Center. Before working for the National Audubon Society, he was a park ranger for Texas Parks and Wildlife, South Carolina Park Service, and the National Park Service. When he’s not birding at work, he’s birding on his days off.
Camera Roll:
As usual, show up or tune in between 6:30 and 7 pm for an array of photos by TMNs. Send your favorite photos to the Camera Roll.